Saturday, December 19, 2009


So, I was having tea with a dear friend last night, and somehow the conversation turned to Matthew Barney. Known mostly for his ambitious work in film (and his now-defunct marriage to Bjork), Barney's work is captivating and well, kind of weird. I had the pleasure of seeing his last "film" Drawing Restraint 9 during a limited run in Dallas a few years ago and I'm still floored by his singular, inimitable style both behind and in front of a camera. I remember seeing a review of the film, a 3 hour meditation on Japan, whaling ships, bodily fluids, etc. (all without a stitch of dialogue), and reading something along the lines of "... If only Barney went commercial ... directing the next 2001: Space Odyssey." What a dream?! Watch a clip from Drawing Restraint 9 below: